Return to training protocols

The ACT Government have provided some guidelines and recommendations for community sport.

Basketball ACT have also posted some return to training protocols which can be found on their Facebook page. For convenience a reproduction of these is provided below .

Basketball ACT Return to training protocols Phase 2.2

Commencing midday on 19 June 2020 the ACT Government will further ease a number of its COVID-19 related
restrictions, extending the controlled return to activity for social and community sport to allow for
greater group sizes and a return to full ccontact training (note that competition is still not permitted).
Despite the further easing of restrictions Basketball ACT still advocates the principles of get in, train, get out for all sessions.

Group sizes

Outdoor – maximum 100 people per gathering.
Indoor – maximum 100 people per enclosed space.
Basketball ACT recommends no more than 20 participants per half court plus one coach/organiser (for older ages, we recommended no more than 20 participants per court to ensure sufficient space to train).

Belconnen Basketball Stadium is considered two enclosed spaces for the purpose of indoor training (one being the upstairs courts, the other the downstairs courts) and therefore subject to the restriction of 200 people training in the venue at any one time.

What is allowed

  • Outdoor and indoor training are both permitted.
  • Full contact training including scrimmages (1v1, 2v2, 3v3 etc) is permitted.
  • Change rooms and canteen facilities are able to be used (with strict hygiene practices).
  • For juniors 1 (one) parent/guardian per minor is permitted in the immediate vicinity of the courts (indoor and outdoor) but must observe social distancing rules while watching from a distance.

What is not allowed

  • No intentional physical contact, no high-fives, handshakes.
  • No competition games or inter-club matches permitted (note that match play within a squad or team is permitted).

Hygiene practices

  • Clubs/coaches should supply disinfectant wipes and hand sanitisers for each team.
  • Balls must be sanitised prior to use, and at regular intervals during the session using disinfectant wipes wipes must be disposed of after use.
  • Participants must supply their own drink bottle and towel ideally, participants should also provide their own ball where possible. All items ideally should be clearly labelled.
  • Do not use public drink fountains.
  • Do not share food/snacks or drinks.
  • Do not use public facilities if at all possible.
  • Where possible maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 metres while training.
  • Wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitiser before an0 after each session.
  • In accordance with the AIS framework for rebooting sport in a COVID-19 environment Basketball ACT recommends a thorough full body shower (at home) before and after every training session
  • Coach/organisers are to maintain a register of attendance at each session in case of COVID-19 positive tests, and for insurance purposes.


Only Basketball ACT and its member club ‘sanctioned’ training activities will be covered under Basketball ACT’s insurance policy: Only registered participants are covered for personal accident insurance: And, activities must be undertaken in
accordance with the above hygiene and activity protocols, and must adhere to government laws, rules and regulations.
Note that activities that fail to comply with these requirements may not be covered for insurance under Basketball ACT’s policy.

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