Author: admin
Junior and Senior Winter Competitions Start this week
Basketball ACT’s winter competitions start this week, with senior competitions starting Monday 27 April and junior competitions commencing Friday 1 May. Trainings for junior teams also start this week. Times and venues can be located here. The draws for the winter season can be located here.
New Ramblers Hoodies Are Now Available
Ramblers have revamped our merchandising range, and have added a new look Ramblers Hoodie for Winter 2015. The new Ramblers Hoodie, plus our great range of long-sleeve Shooting Shirts, Polo Shirts and Backpacks are now available for order. To view the range, and download the order form, please click here.
Ramblers moving to Xero
Over the next few weeks, Ramblers will be sending out invoices to all members covering the 2013-14 Summer season and any outstanding debt from before that season. We are implementing a new financial management using Xero, a world class cloud-based accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses. If, for any reason, you think that there may…
Free Entry for Ramblers Juniors to SEABL Games this week
The first home games of Basketball ACT’s SEABL teams, the Canberra Gunners and Canberra Capitals Academy are on this week at Belconnen Stadium. Any Ramblers junior player who shows up at the games wearing their club uniform will be able to enter free of charge! The Canberra Gunners are taking on the Centre of Excellence on Tuesday the 21st…
Ramblers at u18 Nationals
Congratulations to Ramblers Alana Dalgleish, Annabelle Lindsay, Ashleigh Easton, Nikki Abuoi and Ruby Cooper who represented the ACT at the recent 2015 Australian under 18 National Championships in Ballarat.